HOSTIGER WELCOME SUMMER! Amazing prices from $29 per year! Linux / WindowsVPS!

VMware VPS
Cloud VPS
Forex VPS
Cloud Server

Now HOSTIGER WELCOME SUMMER is on!Don't miss the plans below that will be available throughout the summer! Amazing prices from $29 per year! Linux / WindowsVPS! Chinese edition:

HOSTIGER WELCOME SUMMER Landing page:Welcome Summer Windows & Linux VPS (

VMware VPS

VMWare Hypervisor, Dedicated Server Performance

cpu RAM SSD Transfer bandwidth price order
1 core 2 GB 40 GB SSD 1 TB 300Mbps $29/year customize now
1 core 2 GB 40 GB SSD 2 TB 300Mbps $39/year customize now
2 core 4 GB 60 GB SSD 3 TB 300Mbps $59/year customize now
3 core 8 GB 80 GB SSD 4 TB 300Mbps $89/year customize now

Cloud VPS

VNC Console, Rebuild Panel, Snapshot Technology

cpu RAM SSD Transfer bandwidth price order
1 core 2 GB 40 GB SSD 2 TB 300Mbps $49/year customize now
2 core 4 GB 60 GB SSD 3 TB 300Mbps $69/year customize now
4 core 6 GB 75 GB SSD 4 TB 300Mbps $99/year customize now
4 core 8 GB 100 GB SSD 5 TB 300Mbps $119/year customize now

Forex VPS

VMWare Hypervisor, Dedicated Server Performance, 3.46GHz CPU!

cpu RAM SSD Transfer bandwidth price order
4 core 8 GB 100 GB SSD 5 TB 300Mbps $119/year customize now
2 core (3.46GHz) 8 GB 80 GB SSD 3 TB 300Mbps $169/year customize now
4 core (3.46GHz) 16 GB 160 GB SSD 4 TB 300Mbps $359/year customize now
8 core (3.46GHz) 32 GB 320 GB SSD 5 TB 300Mbps $599/year customize now

Cloud Server

VMware Hypervisor, Dedicated Performance, Multiple IP Address

cpu RAM SSD Transfer bandwidth price ip order
2 core 4 GB 80 GB SSD 10 TB 300Mbps $179/年 ≤ 8 ip customize now
2 core 8 GB 150 GB SSD 10 TB 300Mbps $299/年 ≤ 8 ip customize now
4 core 16 GB 250 GB SSD 10 TB 300Mbps $479/年 ≤ 8 ip customize now
6 core 32 GB 500 GB SSD 10 TB 300Mbps $779/年 ≤ 8 ip customize now


  • Hostiger夏季促销:全场VPS最高优惠50%,1核/1G内存/20G SSD硬盘/1TB流量/300M带宽,$39/年起,可选伊斯坦布尔/阿姆斯特丹/堪萨斯城机房
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