
如果大家登录Linode传统面板后台,面板后台会有一个警示提示,通知我们以前一直在用的传统的Classic Manager面板将于2020年1月31日关闭,而全部采用新的云面板 Cloud Manager。



Our legacy Linode Manager will be decommissioned on January 31, 2020. After that time, you will be automatically redirected to the Cloud Manager when logging in to manage your infrastructure on Linode.

As a valued customer, we want to make this transition as smooth as possible. Many of the features currently available in Classic are available in the new Cloud Manager interface.

Longview monitoring is not currently available in Cloud Manager. Our plans are to transition this feature prior to January 2020. Additionally, we will continue to support APIv3 and the APIv3-based CLI beyond January 31, 2020.

There have been substantial updates to Cloud Manager since it was introduced back in 2014. Cloud Manager has many new features, including an updated look-and-feel, modern user-interface, mobile support, and easy access to our recently released products. It’s also implemented solely atop our public APIv4.


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  1. 糖果站

    你是否厌倦了千篇一律,循规蹈矩的生活,想来一点改变吗?过够了朝九晚五,吃够了粗茶淡饭,想体验一把别样的刺激生活吗?你可能也有一些消磨闲暇时间的法子,也热衷于一些小游戏,或许还收获了一大 波游戏挚友。那么在玩到无聊时,你是否也想寻求一种突破,开启另一种与众不同的娱乐模式呢?那就去 糖果站 了解一下吧!



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