LinkCloud | HCaaS无门槛300元余额,可开通G口带宽Nat服务器

LinkCloud | HCaaS是一家云原生应用引擎、云建站、虚拟机、DevOps、混合云、CICD、K8S、以及docker容器的提供商,近期该容器云在进行公测,所以注册即送无门槛余额,可开任何规格的NAT服务器。博主已在第一时间整理好了领取教程,有需要的可以关注一下。


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容器虚拟机简单来说就是基于容器的 Nat 服务器,这家用的是阿里云和网银 IDC。服务器带宽是G口(1000M),速度非常不错。其他废话就不多说了,教学开始,通过上方注册地址直达中文界面注册,直接微信扫码就 OK 了,然后输入邀请码填写相关信息即可注册成功。余额会立即到自己账号。



 CPU Model             : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2698 v3 @ 2.30GHz
 CPU Cores             : 1
 CPU Frequency         : 2299.998 MHz
 CPU Cache             : 40960 KB
 Total Disk            : 1750.9 GB (63.6 GB Used)
 Total Mem             : 2048 MB (178 MB Used)
 Total Swap            : 0 MB (0 MB Used)
 System uptime         : 0 days, 0 hour 26 min
 Load average          : 2.76, 2.87, 6.58
 OS                    : CentOS 7.8.2003
 Arch                  : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel                : 4.15.0-112-generic
 TCP CC                : cubic
 Virtualization        : VMware
 Organization          : AS58461 CT-HangZhou-IDC
 Location              : Hangzhou / CN
 Region                : Zhejiang


 I/O Speed(1st run)    : 370 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run)    : 318 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run)    : 377 MB/s
 Average I/O speed     : 355.0 MB/s


 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency    936.56 Mbps       845.30 Mbps         25.39 ms    
 Beijing    CU    927.70 Mbps       882.61 Mbps         34.03 ms    
 Shanghai   CT    937.82 Mbps       926.66 Mbps         11.49 ms    
 Shanghai   CU    937.77 Mbps       923.64 Mbps         20.09 ms    
 Guangzhou  CT    938.07 Mbps       322.10 Mbps         27.94 ms    
 Guangzhou  CU    930.07 Mbps       912.43 Mbps         30.21 ms    
 Shenzhen   CU    924.16 Mbps       883.71 Mbps         34.89 ms    
 Shenzhen   CM    924.34 Mbps       939.05 Mbps         40.06 ms    
 Hongkong   CN    54.72 Mbps        1.18 Mbps           63.18 ms    
 Tokyo      JP    26.08 Mbps        1.12 Mbps           40.94 ms 



 [Info] Bench Start Time: 2020-09-06 00:24:50
 [Info] Test Mode: Full Mode

 -> System Information

 OS Release:            CentOS Linux 7.8.2003 (x86_64)
 CPU Model:             Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2698 v3 @ 2.30GHz  2.30 GHz
 CPU Cache Size:        40960 KB
 CPU Number:            1 vCPU
 Virt Type:             Docker
 Memory Usage:          243.48 MB / 2.00 GB
 Swap Usage:            [ No Swapfile/Swap Partition ]
 Boot Device:           overlay
 Disk Usage:            683.40 MB / 10485.76 MB
 CPU Usage:             6.2% used, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% steal
 Load (1/5/15min):      1.96 2.20 2.63 
 Uptime:                0 Days, 1 Hours, 14 Minutes, 17 Seconds
 Kernel Version:        4.15.0-112-generic
 Network CC Method:     cubic + 

 -> Network Infomation

 IPV4 - IP Address:     [CN]
 IPV4 - ASN Info:       AS58461 (CT-HangZhou-IDC - No.288,Fu-chun Road, CN)
 IPV4 - Region:         China Zhejiang Hangzhou

 -> Media Unlock Test 

 HBO Now:                               No
 Bahamut Anime:                         No
 Abema.TV:                              No
 Princess Connect Re:Dive Japan:        No
 BBC:                                   No
 BiliBili China Mainland Only:          Yes
 BiliBili Hongkong/Macau/Taiwan:        No
 Bilibili Taiwan Only:                  No

 -> CPU Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread Test:                 765 Scores

 -> Memory Performance Test (Standard Mode, 3-Pass @ 30sec)

 1 Thread - Read Test :         16739.20 MB/s
 1 Thread - Write Test:         12180.59 MB/s

 -> Disk Speed Test (4K Block/1M Block, Direct-Write)

 [Warning] Due to virt architecture limit, the result may affect by the cache !

 Test Name              Write Speed                             Read Speed
 10MB-4K Block          41.0 MB/s (0.10 IOPS, 0.26s))           54.0 MB/s (13195 IOPS, 0.19s)
 10MB-1M Block          416 MB/s (396 IOPS, 0.03s)              305 MB/s (290 IOPS, 0.03s)
 100MB-4K Block         40.4 MB/s (9858 IOPS, 2.60s)            56.2 MB/s (13725 IOPS, 1.87s)
 100MB-1M Block         413 MB/s (393 IOPS, 0.25s)              312 MB/s (297 IOPS, 0.34s)
 1GB-4K Block           37.4 MB/s (9124 IOPS, 28.06s)           55.4 MB/s (13526 IOPS, 18.93s)
 1GB-1M Block           56.4 MB/s (53 IOPS, 18.58s)             289 MB/s (275 IOPS, 3.63s)

 -> Network Speed Test

 Node Name                      Upload Speed    Download Speed  Ping Latency    Server Name
 China, Nanjing CU              112.64 MB/s     107.44 MB/s     14.36 ms        China Unicom (China Nanjing)
 China, Shanghai CU             110.94 MB/s     109.26 MB/s     19.05 ms        China Unicom 5G (China ShangHai)
 China, Hangzhou CT             112.62 MB/s     109.86 MB/s     5.94 ms         China Telecom ZheJiang Branch (China Hangzhou)
 China, Nanjing CT              111.76 MB/s     108.38 MB/s     9.55 ms         China Telecom JiangSu 5G (China Nanjing)
 China, Guangzhou CT            111.17 MB/s     40.97 MB/s      23.58 ms        ChinaTelecom 5G (China Guangzhou)
 China, Wuhan CT                111.79 MB/s     99.78 MB/s      16.58 ms        China Telecom Wuhan Branch (China Wuhan)
 China, Shenyang CM             101.10 MB/s     82.14 MB/s      43.44 ms        ChinaMobile, Liaoning Branch (China Shenyang)
 China, Hangzhou CM             Fail: Timeout Exceeded after 60 seconds
 China, Nanning CM              110.81 MB/s     113.35 MB/s     67.51 ms        GX ChinaMobile (China Nanning)
 China, Lanzhou CM              82.86 MB/s      55.09 MB/s      57.96 ms        Lanzhou,China Mobile,Gansu (China Lanzhou)
 Hong Kong, CSL                 81.79 MB/s      0.08 MB/s       39.97 ms        CSL (Hong Kong Kwai Chung)
 Hong Kong, PCCW                70.52 MB/s      0.39 MB/s       37.22 ms        STC (China Hong Kong)
 Korea, South Korea             15.64 MB/s      0.07 MB/s       35.13 ms (South Korea Seoul)
 Japan, GLBB                    2.95 MB/s       0.04 MB/s       306.81 ms       Allied Telesis Capital Corporation (Japan Fussa-shi)
 Taiwan, FET                    Fail: Timeout Exceeded after 60 seconds
 Taiwan, Chief                  Fail: Latency test failed for both TCP, and no HTTP URL available.
 Taiwan, TWM                    14.02 MB/s      0.10 MB/s       77.44 ms        Taiwan Mobile (Taiwan Taoyuan)
 Singapore, Singtel             19.91 MB/s      0.03 MB/s       452.76 ms       Singtel (Singapore Singapore)
 Singapore, M1                  Fail: Cannot read: Resource temporarily unavailable
 Singapore, NME                 6.37 MB/s       0.02 MB/s       197.48 ms       NewMedia Express (Republic of Singapore Singapore)
 USA, Century Link              Fail: Host resolve failed: Timeout occurred in connect.


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