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  • 8折优惠码:LET20 ,续费不涨价!


1、JustHost意大利巴勒莫VPS测评机器基本信息测试。从测试结果看测试机器配置为1核512M内存!JustHost意大利巴勒莫VPS采用的是KVM架构!NVMe硬盘读写速度达到了722.0 MB/s!

 CPU Model          : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v4 @ 2.30GHz
 CPU Cores          : 1 @ 2299.996 MHz
 CPU Cache          : 16384 KB
 AES-NI             : Enabled
 VM-x/AMD-V         : Enabled
 Total Disk         : 5.8 GB (2.0 GB Used)
 Total Mem          : 475.9 MB (94.9 MB Used)
 System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 6 min
 Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
 OS                 : CentOS linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
 Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
 Kernel             : 5.10.158-1.el7.x86_64
 TCP CC             : bbr
 Virtualization     : KVM
 Organization       : AS26383 Baxet Group Inc.
 Location           : Palermo / IT
 Region             : Sicily
 I/O Speed(1st run) : 639 MB/s
 I/O Speed(2nd run) : 764 MB/s
 I/O Speed(3rd run) : 763 MB/s
 I/O Speed(average) : 722.0 MB/s


线路 节点数目 最快节点 最慢节点 平均响应
全部 790 意大利巴勒莫 0.5 毫秒 重庆(移动云) 485.7 毫秒 210.5 毫秒
联通线路 50 安徽滁州(电信) 306.7 毫秒 广东茂名(联通) 382.8 毫秒 351.5 毫秒
电信线路 76 天津(电信-xf) 272.6 毫秒 广东广州(联通) 376.8 毫秒 305.0 毫秒
移动线路 39 广东佛山(移动) 288.7 毫秒 重庆(移动云) 485.7 毫秒 372.4 毫秒
东北地区 15 辽宁大连(电信) 272.7 毫秒 吉林长春(移动云) 395.2 毫秒 341.5 毫秒
华北地区 33 天津(电信-xf) 272.6 毫秒 天津(移动) 392.8 毫秒 323.4 毫秒
西北地区 13 陕西西安(电信) 284.8 毫秒 青海西宁(联通云) 385.3 毫秒 339.4 毫秒
西南地区 27 云南昆明(天翼云) 303.8 毫秒 重庆(移动云) 485.7 毫秒 360.6 毫秒
华中地区 19 湖南长沙(天翼云) 294.1 毫秒 湖北襄阳(移动云) 366.7 毫秒 328.7 毫秒
华东地区 90 上海地面通(BGP) 267.8 毫秒 江苏南通(移动) 444.3 毫秒 328.3 毫秒
华南地区 28 广东广州(腾讯云-轻量) 282.7 毫秒 广东茂名(联通) 382.8 毫秒 313.3 毫秒
港澳台 41 香港(jimcloud.net) 185.4 毫秒 香港(cloudie.hk) 354.1 毫秒 284.3 毫秒
亚洲 122 沙特阿拉伯利雅得(nashirnet.com) 56.5 毫秒 越南胡志明市(vinahost.vn) 388.8 毫秒 236.7 毫秒
欧洲 182 意大利巴勒莫 0.5 毫秒 俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克(gcorelabs) 170.3 毫秒 53.8 毫秒
大洋洲 24 澳大利亚墨尔本(Azure) 254.5 毫秒 澳大利亚阿德莱德 356.6 毫秒 310.0 毫秒
北美洲 143 美国阿什本(AMAZON-LIGHTSAIL) 106.4 毫秒 美国堪萨斯城(misaka.io) 225.8 毫秒 159.8 毫秒
南美洲 33 巴西福塔莱萨(gcorelabs) 196.3 毫秒 智利瓦尔迪维亚 263.4 毫秒 229.9 毫秒
非洲 20 埃及开罗 70.3 毫秒 南非约翰内斯堡(web4africa.com) 235.4 毫秒 179.8 毫秒
国外 524 意大利巴勒莫 0.5 毫秒 越南胡志明市(vinahost.vn) 388.8 毫秒 152.9 毫秒


线路 节点数目 最快节点 最慢节点 平均响应
全部 225 上海地面通(BGP) 267.9 毫秒 浙江杭州(移动) 1006.0 毫秒 336.7 毫秒
联通线路 50 安徽滁州(电信) 306.9 毫秒 北京(联通) 394.1 毫秒 353.1 毫秒
电信线路 77 河北保定(天翼云) 269.8 毫秒 浙江杭州(电信) 894.5 毫秒 309.8 毫秒
移动线路 39 广东佛山(移动) 288.3 毫秒 浙江杭州(移动) 1006.0 毫秒 389.8 毫秒
东北地区 16 辽宁沈阳(天翼云三区) 278.2 毫秒 吉林长春(移动云) 395.4 毫秒 339.6 毫秒
华北地区 33 河北保定(天翼云) 269.8 毫秒 北京(联通) 394.1 毫秒 318.4 毫秒
西北地区 13 甘肃兰州(天翼云) 287.1 毫秒 青海西宁(联通云) 375.5 毫秒 336.0 毫秒
西南地区 27 贵州贵阳(华为云) 296.0 毫秒 重庆(移动云) 481.5 毫秒 356.6 毫秒
华中地区 19 湖南长沙(天翼云) 293.7 毫秒 湖北武汉(移动) 366.4 毫秒 328.3 毫秒
华东地区 90 上海地面通(BGP) 267.9 毫秒 浙江杭州(移动) 1006.0 毫秒 344.2 毫秒
华南地区 27 广东广州(腾讯云-轻量) 282.8 毫秒 广东深圳(联通) 463.0 毫秒 318.5 毫秒


 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency     
 Speedtest.net    208.20 Mbps       201.67 Mbps         13.31 ms    
 Shanghai     CT  146.94 Mbps       196.71 Mbps         304.61 ms   
 HeFei    5G  CT  154.85 Mbps       196.07 Mbps         286.67 ms   
 Nanjing  5G  CT  151.77 Mbps       204.96 Mbps         311.30 ms   
 SuZhou   5G  CT  163.56 Mbps       202.93 Mbps         283.83 ms   
 YangZhou 5G  CT  160.16 Mbps       202.72 Mbps         280.92 ms   
 Wuhan    5G  CT  143.71 Mbps       190.58 Mbps         290.86 ms   
 ChangSha 5G  CT  158.82 Mbps       198.34 Mbps         293.55 ms   
 Shanghai 5G  CU  131.51 Mbps       201.63 Mbps         344.89 ms   
 WuXi         CU  142.85 Mbps       186.53 Mbps         355.43 ms   
 ChangSha     CU  152.33 Mbps       9.21 Mbps           353.48 ms   
 ZhenZhou 5G  CU  106.03 Mbps       199.99 Mbps         344.46 ms   
 ShenYang     CU  95.63 Mbps        65.58 Mbps          338.29 ms   
 ZhenZhou 5G  CM  32.23 Mbps        168.83 Mbps         335.61 ms   
 BeiJing      CM  142.88 Mbps       148.08 Mbps         374.02 ms   
 ChengDou     CM  165.51 Mbps       128.94 Mbps         352.49 ms   
 Finished in        : 9 min 44 sec
 Timestamp          : 2022-12-14 06:41:35 MSK


 Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency     
 Speedtest.net    208.01 Mbps       202.08 Mbps         25.17 ms    
 Hong Kong    CN  154.72 Mbps       204.41 Mbps         266.29 ms   
 Hong Kong    CN  170.16 Mbps       131.54 Mbps         279.68 ms   
 Macau        CN  173.30 Mbps       214.41 Mbps         269.88 ms   
 Taiwan       CN  6.78 Mbps         197.68 Mbps         310.33 ms   
 Singapore    SG  162.28 Mbps       202.83 Mbps         281.61 ms   
 Singapore    SG  154.70 Mbps       191.89 Mbps         280.09 ms   
 Tokyo        JP  157.66 Mbps       194.41 Mbps         295.09 ms   
 Tokyo        JP  159.08 Mbps       201.90 Mbps         300.05 ms   
 Seoul        KR  157.39 Mbps       197.29 Mbps         311.53 ms   
 Los Angeles  US  190.87 Mbps       208.58 Mbps         173.35 ms   
 Los Angeles  US  198.91 Mbps       205.63 Mbps         216.52 ms   
 Dallas       US  192.40 Mbps       204.47 Mbps         162.93 ms   
 Montreal     CA  202.88 Mbps       204.34 Mbps         117.37 ms   
 France       FR  207.64 Mbps       0.87 Mbps           57.29 ms    
 Paris        FR  206.30 Mbps       201.36 Mbps         138.54 ms   
 Amsterdam    NL  209.44 Mbps       204.15 Mbps         36.15 ms    
 Finished in        : 9 min 26 sec
 Timestamp          : 2022-12-14 07:22:49 MSK



traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.47 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.66 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae30.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  30.81 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  china-telecom.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  32.08 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 5  276.51 ms  AS4134  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
 6  *
 7  *
 8  304.49 ms  AS4812  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.51 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.72 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae31.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  31.81 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  china-telecom.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  28.89 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 5  *
 6  *
 7  286.45 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
 8  *
 9  292.93 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
10  287.53 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
11  306.88 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
12  279.25 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.44 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.70 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae31.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  32.96 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  china-telecom.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  39.31 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 5  *
 6  272.71 ms  AS4134  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
 7  290.99 ms  AS4134  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
 8  *
 9 (  281.69 ms  AS4847  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
10  bj141-147-210.bjtelecom.net (  271.62 ms  AS4847  China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.42 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.66 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae30.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  29.31 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  china-telecom.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  31.09 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 5  *
 6  286.03 ms  AS4134  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
 7  288.74 ms  AS4134  China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
 8  286.04 ms  AS4134  China, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, ChinaTelecom
 9  *
10  286.72 ms  AS4134  China, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, ChinaTelecom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.50 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.60 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae30.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  30.71 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  china-telecom.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  32.96 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 5  280.37 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
 6  288.89 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
 7  290.07 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
 8  305.85 ms  AS4134  China, Guizhou, Guiyang, ChinaTelecom
 9  *
10  309.65 ms  AS4134  China, Guizhou, Guiyang, ChinaTelecom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.43 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.49 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae30.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  30.64 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  china-telecom.franco71.fra.seabone.net (  35.53 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 5  273.77 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
 6  *
 7  *
 8  292.30 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaTelecom
 9  *
10  278.55 ms  AS4134  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaTelecom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  1.72 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.59 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae13.losangeles2.loa.seabone.net (  177.38 ms  AS6762  United States, California, Los Angeles, tisparkle.com
 4  181.88 ms  AS4837  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaUnicom
 5  330.07 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 6  327.14 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 7  *
 8  *
 9  *
10  401.80 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom
11  405.92 ms  AS17621  China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  5.25 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.69 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae13.losangeles2.loa.seabone.net (  177.95 ms  AS6762  United States, California, Los Angeles, tisparkle.com
 4  177.22 ms  AS4837  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaUnicom
 5  331.55 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 6  346.41 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 7  *
 8  *
 9  415.07 ms  AS17816  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
10  421.52 ms  AS17622  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
11  gz1-dns.gdgz.cncnet.net (  414.11 ms  AS17622  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.42 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.91 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  *
 4  184.89 ms  AS4837  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaUnicom
 5  337.77 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 6  330.87 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 7  *
 8  390.91 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 9  385.87 ms  AS4808  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.42 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.72 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae13.losangeles2.loa.seabone.net (  180.66 ms  AS6762  United States, California, Los Angeles, tisparkle.com
 4  185.40 ms  AS4837  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaUnicom
 5  333.06 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 6  336.68 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 7  345.80 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 8  *
 9  *
10  *
11  351.06 ms  AS4837  China, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, ChinaUnicom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.77 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.67 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae14.losangeles2.loa.seabone.net (  182.48 ms  AS6762  United States, California, Los Angeles, tisparkle.com
 4  181.53 ms  AS4837  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaUnicom
 5  321.73 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 6  338.10 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 7  *
 8  415.07 ms  AS4837  China, Guizhou, Guiyang, ChinaUnicom
 9  *
10  412.63 ms  AS4837  China, Guizhou, Guiyang, ChinaUnicom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.53 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.81 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae13.losangeles2.loa.seabone.net (  182.30 ms  AS6762  United States, California, Los Angeles, tisparkle.com
 4  183.68 ms  AS4837  United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaUnicom
 5  333.25 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 6  338.36 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 7  386.39 ms  AS4837  China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
 8  *
 9  *
10  *
11  dns2-ftcg.gdsz.cncnet.net (  405.64 ms  AS17623  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaUnicom

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.41 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  1.16 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae1.milano52.mil.seabone.net (  21.73 ms  AS6762  Italy, Lombardy, Metropolitan City of Milan, tisparkle.com
 4  ae-8.r00.mlanit02.it.bb.gin.ntt.net (  40.61 ms  AS2914  Italy, Lombardy, Metropolitan City of Milan, ntt.com
 5  ae-1.r20.mlanit02.it.bb.gin.ntt.net (  21.86 ms  AS2914  Italy, Lombardy, Metropolitan City of Milan, ntt.com
 6  ae-10.r22.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  271.58 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 7  ae-29.r01.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  263.03 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 8  ce-0-11-0-1.r01.sngpsi07.sg.ce.gin.ntt.net (  264.03 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 9  275.62 ms  AS58453  China, Hong Kong, ChinaMobile
10  291.13 ms  AS58453  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
11  296.23 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
12  293.45 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
13  295.55 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
14  *
15  308.69 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
16  304.90 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
17  304.91 ms  AS24400  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.36 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  3.51 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae0.milano52.mil.seabone.net (  27.92 ms  AS6762  Italy, Lombardy, Metropolitan City of Milan, tisparkle.com
 4  ae-8.r00.mlanit02.it.bb.gin.ntt.net (  25.89 ms  AS2914  Italy, Lombardy, Metropolitan City of Milan, ntt.com
 5  ae-1.r20.mlanit02.it.bb.gin.ntt.net (  37.86 ms  AS2914  Italy, Lombardy, Metropolitan City of Milan, ntt.com
 6  *
 7  ae-29.r01.sngpsi07.sg.bb.gin.ntt.net (  266.19 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 8  ce-0-11-0-1.r01.sngpsi07.sg.ce.gin.ntt.net (  265.38 ms  AS2914  Singapore, ntt.com
 9  *
10  280.55 ms  AS58453  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
11  292.46 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
12  287.77 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
13  288.79 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
14  280.20 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
15  273.71 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
16  317.29 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.42 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.67 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae5.francoforte34.fra.seabone.net (  33.38 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  ffm-b5-link.ip.twelve99.net (  41.76 ms  AS1299  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, telia.com
 5  ffm-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net (  47.36 ms  AS1299  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, telia.com
 6  prs-bb1-link.ip.twelve99.net (  47.23 ms  AS1299  France, Ile-de-France, Paris, telia.com
 7  *
 8  slou-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  47.05 ms  AS1299  United Kingdom, Berkshire County, Slough, telia.com
 9  chinamobile-ic342125-slou-b1.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  51.85 ms  AS1299  United Kingdom, Berkshire County, Slough, telia.com
10  49.15 ms  AS58453  United Kingdom, London, ChinaMobile
11  483.88 ms  AS58453  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
12  480.82 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
13  481.68 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
14  *
15  *
16  *
17  491.23 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
18  *
19  460.84 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
20  481.89 ms  AS56048  China, Beijing, ChinaMobile

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.43 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.73 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae5.francoforte34.fra.seabone.net (  40.35 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  ffm-b5-link.ip.twelve99.net (  58.91 ms  AS1299  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, telia.com
 5  ffm-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  43.82 ms  AS1299  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, telia.com
 6  prs-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  57.00 ms  AS1299  France, Ile-de-France, Paris, telia.com
 7  ldn-bb4-link.ip.twelve99.net (  48.81 ms  AS1299  United Kingdom, London, telia.com
 8  slou-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  57.70 ms  AS1299  United Kingdom, Berkshire County, Slough, telia.com
 9  chinamobile-ic342125-slou-b1.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  53.60 ms  AS1299  United Kingdom, Berkshire County, Slough, telia.com
10  53.29 ms  AS58453  United Kingdom, London, ChinaMobile
11  440.23 ms  AS58453  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
12  *
13  445.21 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
14  459.41 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
15  *
16  *
17  *
18  ns3.zj.chinamobile.com (  469.03 ms  AS56041  China, Zhejiang, Hangzhou, ChinaMobile

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.42 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.80 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae1.newyork52.new.seabone.net (  104.00 ms  AS6762  United States, New York, New York City, tisparkle.com
 4  nyk-b6-link.ip.twelve99.net (  113.48 ms  AS1299  United States, New York, New York City, telia.com
 5  nyk-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  115.22 ms  AS1299  United States, New York, New York City, telia.com
 6  ash-bb2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  194.69 ms  AS1299  United States, Virginia, Ashburn, telia.com
 7  atl-b24-link.ip.twelve99.net (  189.58 ms  AS1299  United States, Georgia, Atlanta, telia.com
 8  chi-b23-link.ip.twelve99.net (  135.70 ms  AS1299  United States, Illinois, Chicago, telia.com
 9  sea-b2-link.ip.twelve99.net (  208.38 ms  AS1299  United States, Washington, Seattle, telia.com
10  chinamobile-ic342124-sea-b2.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  190.41 ms  AS1299  United States, Washington, Seattle, telia.com
11  193.67 ms  AS58453  United States, Washington, Seattle, ChinaMobile
12  357.73 ms  AS58453  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
13  351.30 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
14  *
15  351.79 ms  AS9808  China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
16  384.09 ms  AS9808  China, Guizhou, Guiyang, ChinaMobile
17  379.50 ms  AS9808  China, Guizhou, Guiyang, ChinaMobile

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
 1  gw.infra.ds.melbicom.net (  0.33 ms  AS56630  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, melbicom.net
 2  ae5.palermo4.pal.seabone.net (  0.76 ms  AS6762  Italy, Sicily, Metropolitan city of Palermo, tisparkle.com
 3  ae5.francoforte34.fra.seabone.net (  53.22 ms  AS6762  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, tisparkle.com
 4  chinamobile-svc070140-ic355891.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  45.00 ms  AS1299  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, telia.com
 5  chinamobile-svc070140-ic355891.ip.twelve99-cust.net (  45.01 ms  AS1299  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, telia.com
 6  39.79 ms  AS58453  Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, ChinaMobile
 7  295.40 ms  AS58453  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
 8  288.15 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
 9  *
10  298.28 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
11  297.76 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
12  311.29 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
13  320.30 ms  AS9808  China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile
14  ns6.gd.cnmobile.net (  328.59 ms  AS56040  China, Guangdong, Shenzhen, ChinaMobile



 ** 测试时间: Wed Dec 14 09:06:15 MSK 2022

 ** 正在测试IPv4解锁情况 
 ** 您的网络为: Baxet Group Inc. (62.76.*.*) 

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:                                  No
 HotStar:                               No
 Disney+:                               Yes (Region: US)
 Netflix:                               Originals Only
 YouTube Premium:                       Yes
 Amazon Prime Video:                    Yes (Region: IT)
 TVBAnywhere+:                          Yes
 iQyi Oversea Region:                   INTL
 Viu.com:                               No
 YouTube CDN:                           Stockholm 
 Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Associated with [TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A.] in [Palermo, Sicily ]
 Spotify Registration:                  Yes (Region: IT)
 Steam Currency:                        EUR
===============[ Europe ]==============
 Rakuten TV:                            Yes
 Funimation:                            No
 SkyShowTime:                           Yes (Region: >)
 HBO Max:                               No
 Sky Go:                                No
 BritBox:                               Yes
 ITV Hub:                               No
 Channel 4:                             No
 Channel 5:                             No
 BBC iPLAYER:                           No
 Discovery+ UK:                         No
 Salto:                                 No
 Canal+:                                No
 Molotov:                               No
 Joyn:                                  No
 Sky:                                   No
 ZDF:                                   No
 NLZIET:                                Failed
 videoland:                             Failed (Network Connection)
 NPO Start Plus:                        No
 PANTAYA:                               No
 Rai Play:                              Yes
 Amediateka:                            Yes

 ** 正在测试IPv6解锁情况 
 ** 您的网络为: Baxet Group Inc. (2605:e440:12:*:*) 

============[ Multination ]============
 Dazn:                                  Failed (Network Connection)
 HotStar:                               Yes (Region: US)
 Disney+:                               Yes (Region: US)
 Netflix:                               Yes (Region: US)
 YouTube Premium:                       Yes
 Amazon Prime Video:                    Unsupported
 TVBAnywhere+:                          Failed (Network Connection)
 iQyi Oversea Region:                   Failed
 Viu.com:                               Failed
 YouTube CDN:                           Stockholm 
 Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Associated with [TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A.] in [Palermo, Sicily ]
 Spotify Registration:                  Yes (Region: IT)
 Steam Currency:                        Failed (Network Connection)
===============[ Europe ]==============
 Rakuten TV:                            Failed (Network Connection)
 Funimation:                            IPv6 Not Support
 SkyShowTime:                           Yes (Region: >)
 HBO Max:                               Failed (Network Connection)
 Sky Go:                                Failed (Network Connection)
 BritBox:                               Yes
 ITV Hub:                               Failed (Network Connection)
 Channel 4:                             Failed (Network Connection)
 Channel 5:                             IPv6 Not Support
 BBC iPLAYER:                           Failed
 Discovery+ UK:                         IPv6 Not Support
 Salto:                                 No
 Canal+:                                Failed (Network Connection)
 Molotov:                               No
 Joyn:                                  Failed (Network Connection)
 Sky:                                   Failed (Network Connection)
 ZDF:                                   Failed (Network Connection)
 NLZIET:                                Failed
 videoland:                             Failed (Network Connection)
 NPO Start Plus:                        Failed (Network Connection)
 PANTAYA:                               Failed (Network Connection)
 Rai Play:                              Failed (Network Connection)
 Amediateka:                            Failed (Network Connection)

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