搬瓦工 FREEDOM PLAN 新套餐,一年可以免费切换26次IP,支持30退款服务

今天看到搬瓦工推出一款特别的限量版套餐,FREEDOM PLAN,一年可以免费切换26次IP,并且还支持30退款服务,且就算IP被墙也可以退款。一看就是面向不可描述客户的,咱们一般的用户也就建个站,也不会自己搭建ssr/v2ray机场。详细配置如下:

  • SSD: 40 GB RAID-10
  • 内存: 2 GB
  • CPU: 2 核
  • 月流量: 2000 GB
  • 带宽: 2.5 Gbps
  • 机房: 洛杉矶 DC2 AO 机房,不能迁移到其他机房。
  • 价格:$89/年

关于这款 FREEDOM PLAN 的退款和IP切换规则介绍:

Unique for the Freedom Plan:
+ Extended 30–day money back guarantee — even if your IP is banned!

Free IP Change Terms

IP address change can be requested through the KiwiVM control panel. Most IP changes are processed within 1 hour; some requests may take up to 2 business days. The time between free IP changes is 2 weeks: after we replace the IP, the next free replacement is available after 14 days. This is up to 26 free IP replacements each year!

广告栏+++++++蜜糖商店|大哥云| 搬瓦工JMS|红莓网络| Mielink|萌喵加速| 飞鸟云


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