Just My Socks s4 日本软银线路连不上、速度变慢的情况说明

这两天 Just My Socks LA 套餐方案的朋友可能已经发现了:s4 日本软银线路出现了 ping 不通(超时)的情况,甚至有人还遇到了连不上没有网的情况。这是因为搬瓦工日本软银机房正在被 DDoS,我们可以先用 s3 或者 s5 的 CN2 GIA 线路过渡。

Just My Socks 官网无法访问怎么办?下面分享搬瓦工 JMS 机场官网最新地址:JustMySocks官网;下单可以使用搬瓦工 JMS 机场优惠码:JMS9272283 


We have engaged Voxility to help us mitigate the attack, and so far the mitigation has been successful.

The downside of DDoS mitigation is that ICMP is blocked (no ping), some UDP traffic is blocked, and latency is elevated. However, TCP services will stay operational.

We are communicating with multiple DDoS mitigation carriers to see if we can implement a better strategy to reduce latency and enable ICMP during the attack.

As soon as the attack stops, we will restore previous connectivity.

Please note that DDoS mitigation does NOT affect the return path (from us to you); it will still take Softbank/direct China route.

If this attack is negatively impacting your application, feel free to migrate to a different datacenter by using KiwiVM control panel.

就是说搬瓦工日本软银机房正在遭受大规模的 DDoS 攻击,所以 ICMP 被禁了,部分 UDP 也被禁了,但是 TCP 目前依然正常,所以一些朋友可能与遇到软件显示 Just My Socks 服务超时,但是依然可以正常上网的情况。

如果你本地无法连接 s4 日本软银线路(或者丢包情况非常严重),可以先使用 s3 洛杉矶电信 CN2 GIA 线路或者 s5 荷兰三网 CN2 GIA 线路:Just My Socks LA 洛杉矶:美国 CN2 GT、欧洲 CN2 GIA、日本软银等多个节点可选

广告栏+++++++蜜糖商店|大哥云| 搬瓦工JMS|红莓网络| Mielink|萌喵加速| 飞鸟云


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