JustMySocks:电信用户推荐第 3 条,移动用户推荐第 4 条

Just My Socks 又更新了 5 条线路的路由,之前是第 3 条是 CN2 GIA,其余为 CN2 GT,现在则是电信用户推荐使用第 3 条 CN2 GIA,而对于移动用户来说,则是推荐使用第 4 条 CN2 GIA。特此通告,大家如果发现最近 Just My Socks 速度慢了,可以更新对应的线路选择。

Just My Socks 官网无法访问怎么办?下面分享搬瓦工 JMS 机场官网最新地址:JustMySocks官网;下单可以使用搬瓦工 JMS 机场优惠码:JMS9272283

同样是看 Just My Socks 官方的介绍(Which $hadow$ocks server IP should I use?):

cXs1, cXs2 and cXs5 are routed via CN2 GT network with additional China Unicom and China Mobile direct connectivity. We use multiple CN2 GT datacenters, so all 3 servers are not routed equally to ensure maximum resiliency.

Server cXs3 is routed via CN2 GIA network provided by China Telecom (China Telecom routes only).

Server cXs4 is routed via premium China Mobile mix (with CN2 GIA on Return Path) (China Mobile routes only).

Additionally, we enabled obfs plugin (obfs=tls) on servers cXs3 and cXs4

Depending on your provider (CT, CU, CM) you may see different connection speeds using different servers, so we recommend trying out each server to see which one works best for you.

Please see your service information page to see detailed configuration of each server and pick the one that works best for you.


  1. 电信用户:第 3 条(cXs3),电信 CN2 GIA
  2. 移动用户,第 4 条(cXs4),回程 CN2 GIA
  3. 联通用户,5 条中找个最快的

由于最近电信 CN2 带宽的缩进,Just My Socks 不得不更新了路由,据客服介绍,目前已经成功购买了 CN2 GIA 带宽,有望在未来 2-3 周内增加 CN2 GIA 容量,目前 Just My Socks 中文网 建议大家直接把 5 条线路都导入客户端中,哪条速度快用哪条。

最后,这里是 Just My Socks 所有套餐:

方案名称 带宽 流量
线路 购买
Just My Socks LA 500 2.5Gbps 500 GB $5.88 5 洛杉矶 CN2 GT/GIA
荷兰 CN2 GIA
Just My Socks LA 1000 5Gbps 1000 GB $9.88 链接
Just My Socks LA 5000 5Gbps 5000 GB $48.99 链接
Just My Socks IPLC HK 100 100Mbps 100 GB $21 3 香港 IPLC 专线
Just My Socks IPLC HK 300 100Mbps 300 GB $49 3 链接
Just My Socks Hong Kong 100 100Mbps 100 GB $34.99 3 香港 CN2 GIA 链接
Just My Socks Hong Kong 500 500Mbps 500 GB $149.99 5 链接
Just My Socks Hong Kong 1000 1Gbps 1000 GB $279.99 链接
Just My Socks Tokyo 100 100Mbps 100 GB $29.99 3 日本 CN2 GIA 链接
Just My Socks Tokyo 500 200Mbps 500 GB $135.99 5 链接
Just My Socks London 500 2.5Gbps 500 GB $6.80 5 伦敦联通精品网 链接
Just My Socks London 1000 5Gbps 1000 GB $11.29 链接
Just My Socks HK CMI+NTT 500 2.5Gbps 500 GB $8.99 5 香港 CMI+NTT 链接
Just My Socks HK CMI+NTT 1000 5Gbps 1000 GB $14.90 链接

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